Word Metamorphosis

A LIVE guided 35 day journey for creating higher vibrating frequencies for commonly used words
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The 35 Day Word Transformation Challenge uses “The Word Oracle Alchemy System” to guide you to shift any debilitating self-talk that may hold you back. During the challenge, you will playfully turn ‘word bombs’ into ‘word blossoms’ that then inspire confident living and forward motion.

A word metamorphosis truly begins to energize your daily life with more of the things that are inherent to your soul’s design.

By the end of the challenge, both a noticeable transformation in your self-talk patterns and the overall experience of feeling freer will have stemmed from having ‘blossomed’ so many words in a short period of time. Though you will likely be living in the same spaces, going to the same places, and hearing the same words as before you did the challenge, those same words will now be connected to truth, liberation, and freedom.

we transform ourselves through

action, truth, and Joy

The challenge requires a daily time commitment of 90 minutes, for 35 days in a row. Each day for 35 days there is a Live 45-minute class on the Zoom platform, and then, there are about 45 minutes of homework each day where you join dots. If you cannot join us live replays are sent each day of the challenge.

“The 35 day challenge taught me the power of words”

The energy they hold to old stories that need to be released. As you do Lisa’s process thru her card deck, the feeling is amazing after you release the trigger words energy ! Yes it’s a commitment , a commitment to improve ourselves is always worth the effort. Lisa is spectacular in her wisdom and courage to bring forth a new way to release the energy of words that trigger us! The class is fantastic, I totally enjoyed the 35 day challenge! Give it a try it’s well worth the effort you won’t regret it!

Jeanne Bundy

how to succeed at this challenge

Among the things needed when taking the challenge is; 90 minutes of privacy, some colored pencils, and the ability to print a dot-to-dot drawing that will be provided to you as a printable file.

If you have those, plus the desire to take the challenge then all you need is $35.00 to join.

Are you ready to create true alchemy using common words? This is a unique opportunity to transform the frequency of words. This challenge is like gently turning the radio station dial when the signal gets weak and your favorite song begins to be distorted as you clean words the signal comes back stronger than ever.

Over 7800 words are up for transformation during the 35 day challenge. Hint:You’ll viscerally know the words meant for you.

$35 dollars for 35 days. That’s just a dollar a day.

Word Metamorphosis

Flip the frequency

Change the charge

Words are holding charges which can and do explode like ‘word bombs’ often bringing emotional baggage with them. Have you noticed how charged up people are about certain words lately? Certain triggering words are holding hearts hostage and this challenge allows you back into the wisdom of the most powerful part of our human biology.

You might be like me and realize (over the past year especially) how sensitive people have become to particular words or phrases. Words and the correct usage of terms now have rules to make sure no one is offended. No matter how hard anyone tries to not offend others, the fact is that because words are individually charged based on personal life experiences it is nearly impossible for you or I to use a term that another is not bothered by.

Here’s the caveat: You and I can take control of how words affect us and change the charge for ourselves. You can become much less reactive to words that act as hidden bombs lurking in everyday language that you hear and speak.

The challenge allows you to work with your intuition to undo and upgrade any association with words that do not serve your highest good.

The experience is quite fun. The work is deep but the doing is playful, allowing you to almost magically access deep-rooted word meanings you have held and retire or rewire the meanings as you are intuitively guided to do. The playful parts include joining dot-to-dots to create new neural pathways in the brain that lead you into more personal power.

Most often, half-heartedness holds us back from

achieving our greatest destiny

“Commitment is a wholesome energy, as though nature itself takes control of our destiny and shows us the way ahead. At this stage, we begin to understand that to commit is also to surrender.”

– Gene Keys

The time is nigh

Now is the time to let go of many old patterns you may have by undoing the charge in the language you hear and use. Imagine being free from common ‘word bombs’! You can be so much more in the moment when less and less words are silently tripping you up. Your ability to respond to others more often than you react will grow each time you use the system to disconnect from any word meanings that don’t serve you and reconnect the words with meanings that are personal and inspiring for you.

You have read all the words on this page and you have experienced, though not necessarily felt, a variety of hidden sensations both good and not-so-good. You may now feel really excited about the idea that you can be in charge of the feelings that words evoke in you.

You, me and everyone else are impacted by the words we hear. Some words feel better than others. Words that have a ‘not so good charge’ are ‘word-bombs’ which bring emotional baggage and fears with them when activated. Activation can often occur under the radar because we are so ‘used’ to or familiar with the language we hear that we don’t notice the little bombs exploding but we may recognize that something happened that brought the joy factor down a notch or two.

does this sound like you?

You want to feel that commonly used language adds an element of support for you, your life, and for your endeavors.

You find the idea of being unscathed by sticks & stones (words) that may be heard in your daily life appealing.

You resonate with doing deep transformational processes.

You like playful activities, colors, words, magic wands, and joining dot-to-dots.

“I thoroughly enjoyed The Power of Words workshop”

Interacting with you and hearing the wisdom that flows through you is so beautiful and meaningful. And although we’re the ones doing the actual work, you make it fun. Now I’m hooked. Having you, the Word Alchemist, teaching how to transform our thoughts regarding certain words has been a lesson I didn’t know could bring such an improvement to my inner peace. I can’t imagine my day not using and practicing what you’ve taught. My reaction to certain words is….no reaction at all; and that’s not how it use to be. This program is something that really should be taught at grade-school level. Wow, just think of the changes it could bring to mankind. Man might actually be kind to one another. Since being involved in this workshop and some of your others, my stress level and anxiety are almost non existent. I’m so much calmer, and I don’t react. I like this new me.

Reina Ortega

Now is the time for you

to become a word alchemist

During the 35 daily challenges, I will lead you through a process using my oracle deck, ‘The Word Oracle Alchemy System’. You will undo bunches of hidden words bombs! Word bombs are most often words you would not normally associate with being possible trigger words. After undoing the words, you then transform them into words blossoms that can provide a sweeter, more expansive backdrop to your daily life.

Expect significant relief and overall upliftment that is derived when you untangle the web of words around you. That freedom is priceless.

To participate in the challenge each day, you will join the Zoom call (or replay) and bring paper, a pencil/pen. There will be prizes for those who show up and participate.

Could this be the perfect self-care ritual for you at this moment? Perhaps you resonate with the possibility of unhooking from nagging self-talk and old stories.

Taking the 35-Day Word Transformation Challenge offers you the potential to upgrade your relationship with thousands of words. The upgrade frees you to hear with fresh ears, to hear without old stories interfering.

All great challenges bring equally great rewards !!!

Spirit has sent you here for a reason

I'm happy to welcome you